Short Guide to Executive Summaries in Expert Reports
Who reads Executive Summaries? It is an obvious point but one worth remembering: decision makers in courts or tribunals are busy people. They may be
Who reads Executive Summaries? It is an obvious point but one worth remembering: decision makers in courts or tribunals are busy people. They may be
In April 2022, the Federal Court decided in favour of the applicants in a class action against Toyota that may now cost the car manufacturer
The Court in Minister for the Environment v Sharma [2022] FCAFC 35 recently ruled against a duty of care of the Minister for Environment to
At ExpertsDirect, we regularly engage international experts on behalf of our clients. The rules for expert witnesses in Australia may differ to those for jurisdictions
In July 2021, the Australian Patent Office accepted a patent application from Cytec industries Inc’s against opposition from CSIRO. Both Cytec and CSIRO engaged multiple
As courts become increasingly more open to the use of expert witness evidence in complex matters, experts should be particularly mindful to demonstrate the relevance
The recent case of Malone v La Playa Nominees Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 271 shows that some courts are more likely to consider reports privileged
Whilst courts are empowered to exclude prejudiced expert reports, parties may nonetheless advise experts on proper reporting practices and case theories. We examine comments by Justice Riordan
In ASIC v Big Star Energy Limited (No 3) [2020] FCA 1442, Justice Banks-Smith’s clarified key issues surrounding requisite expertise in materiality matters and highlighted what
Jason Feng is an Associate at Pinsent Masons where he specialises in Projects and Infrastructure projects and legal matters. He has worked closely with contractors
David Talintyre is a barrister at Level 22 Chambers. He has over 20 years of experience at the bar taking on diverse commercial, construction, engineering,
Lawyers commonly ask experts to critique other experts’ reports, a move which recently received criticism in the Federal Court. We review Justice Yates’ comments on
Does a history of giving evidence for or against a plaintiff/defendant rule an expert witness as partisan? The issue recently arose in the Monsanto Class
Experts and lawyers who are familiar with expert witness work will know that the process of producing an expert report involves more than simply engaging
Some standard orders in Australian courts ask expert witnesses, who may each have already produced a report in a matter, to ‘confer’ with one another
Background Facts and Key Issues In ASIC v Big Star Energy Limited (No3) [2020] FCA 1442, ASIC accused Big Star Energy Ltd, previously known as
In April, the Environmental Defenders Office brought proceedings on behalf of the advocacy group Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action (a group which includes bushfire survivors,
In most circumstances, parties who have asked their experts irrelevant questions run the risk of receiving expert evidence which comments on matters outside of the
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